
By mapping the Hamiltonians of the 2-mode and 2-photon Rabi models to differential operators in suitable Hilbert spaces of entire functions, we prove that the two models possess entire and normalizable wave functions in the Bargmann–Hilbert spaces only if the frequency [Formula: see text] and coupling strength [Formula: see text] satisfy certain constraints. This is in sharp contrast to the quantum Rabi model for which entire wave functions always exist. For model parameters fulfilling the aforesaid constraints, we determine transcendental equations whose roots give the regular energy eigenvalues of the models. Furthermore, we show that for [Formula: see text], the [Formula: see text]-photon Rabi model does not possess wave functions which are elements of the Bargmann–Hilbert space for all non-trivial model parameters. This implies that the [Formula: see text] case is not diagonalizable, unlike its RWA cousin, the [Formula: see text]-photon Jaynes–Cummings model which can be completely diagonalized for all [Formula: see text].

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