
The theory of z-ideals and z°-ideals, especially as pertaining to the ideal theory of C(X), the ring of continuous functions on a completely regular Hausdorff space X, has been attended to during the recent years; see Gillman and Jerison [9], Mason [18], and Azarpanah et al. [4]. In this article we will consider the theory of z°-ideals as applied to the rings of polynomials over a commutative ring with identity. We introduce and study sz°-ideals (an ideal I of a ring is called sz°-ideal, if whenever S is a finite subset of I, then the intersection of all minimal prime ideals containing S is in I). In addition, we will pay attention to several annihilator conditions and find some new results. Finally, we use the two examples that appeared in Henriksen and Jerison [10] and Huckaba [12], to answer some natural questions that might arise in the literature.

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