
The representation category mathcal {A} = Rep(G,epsilon ) of a supergroup scheme G has a largest proper tensor ideal, the ideal mathcal {N} of negligible morphisms. If we divide mathcal {A} by mathcal {N} we get the semisimple representation category of a pro-reductive supergroup scheme Gred. We list some of its properties and determine Gred in the case GL(m|1).


  • A fundamental fact about finite-dimensional algebraic representations of a reductive group over an algebraically closed field k of characteristic 0 is complete reducibility: Every representation decomposes into a direct sum of irreducible representations

  • Many standard techniques from Lie theory do not work for representations of supergroups

  • A lot of progress has been made on representations of special supergroups such as GL(m|n) and OSp(m|2n), many classical questions are still open, most notably the tensor product decompositon of two irreducible representations

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A fundamental fact about finite-dimensional algebraic representations of a reductive group over an algebraically closed field k of characteristic 0 is complete reducibility: Every representation decomposes into a direct sum of irreducible representations. The question should be modified as follows: We should study the subcategory in Rep(Gred , ) generated by the images ω(L(λ)) of the irreducible representations of G. To determine this subcategory would amount to determine the tensor product decomposition of irreducible representations up to superdimension 0 and would give a parametrization of the indecomposable summands of non-vanishing superdimension. From the classification it is easy to determine the irreducible objects of Rep(Gred , ) in Lemma 5.2 We compute their tensor product decomposition in Theorem 5.11. To determine the subgroup of Gred corresponding to the irreducible representations is already very difficult for GL(m|n) and even more so for the supergroups OSp(m|2n) and P (n)

Negligible Morphisms
The Pro-Reductive Envelope
The Basic Classical Cases
How to Determine the Semisimplification
Weight Diagrams
Germoni’s Classification
Mixed Tensors
Indecomposable Modules
Cohomological Tensor Functors
Parity Considerations
Cohomology Computations
Tensor Products up to Superdimension Zero
The Special Linear Case
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