
In this paper, we consider a finite network of multiple mobile autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) collecting data in a given region and transferring them to a surface sink. Herein, we consider a serving AUV located at fixed sea depth communicating with the surface sink. Further, all AUVs other than the serving AUV are considered as interfering AUVs and assumed to be located a 2-dimensional circular area of a given radius. We further assume that all interfering AUVs in the network dynamically control their horizontal position over the time. The instantaneous horizontal position of the interfering AUVs is regarded as a random process. We apply a general random waypoint (RWP) mobility process to characterize the horizontal position movement process for the interfering AUVs. Considering the steady-state nonuniform distribution of the RWP mobility model, we first characterize the interference received at the surface sink, and then derive its successful transmission probability under frequency-selective fading channel. Simulation results are presented to verify the accuracy of our analysis.

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