
In this paper, we analyze the security of subset-resilient hash function families, which is first proposed as a requirement of a hash-based signature scheme called HORS. Let {mathcal {H}} be a family of functions mapping an element to a subset of size at most k. (r, k)-subset resilience guarantees that given a random function H from {mathcal {H}}, it is hard to find an (r+1)-tuple (x,x_1,ldots ,x_r) such that (1) H(x) is covered by the union of H(x_i) and (2) x is not equal to any x_i. Subset resilience and its variants are related to nearly all existing stateless hash-based signature schemes, but the power of this security notion is lacking in research. We present three results on subset resilience. First, we show a generic quantum attack against subset resilience, whose time complexity is smaller than simply implementing Grover’s search. Second, we show that subset-resilient hash function families imply the existence of distributional collision-resistant hash function families. Informally, distributional collision resistance is a relaxation of collision resistance, which guarantees that it is hard to find a uniform collision for a hash function. This result implies a comparison among the power of subset resilience, collision resistance, and distributional collision resistance. Third, we prove the fully black-box separation from one-way permutations.

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