
We consider the problem Pcurve of minimizing ź0Lź2+ź2(s)ds$\int \limits _{0}^{L} \sqrt {\xi ^{2} + \kappa ^{2}(s)} \, \mathrm {d}s$ for a curve x in ź3$\mathbb {R}^{3}$ with fixed boundary points and directions. Here, the total length Lź0 is free, s denotes the arclength parameter, ź denotes the absolute curvature of x, and ź>0 is constant. We lift problem Pcurve on ź3$\mathbb {R}^{3}$ to a sub-Riemannian problem Pmec on SE(3)/({0}×SO(2)). Here, for admissible boundary conditions, the spatial projections of sub-Riemannian geodesics do not exhibit cusps and they solve problem Pcurve. We apply the Pontryagin Maximum Principle (PMP) and prove Liouville integrability of the Hamiltonian system. We derive explicit analytic formulas for such sub-Riemannian geodesics, relying on the co-adjoint orbit structure, an underlying Cartan connection, and the matrix representation of SE(3) arising in the Cartan-matrix. These formulas allow us to extract geometrical properties of the sub-Riemannian geodesics with cuspless projection, such as planarity conditions, explicit bounds on their torsion, and their symmetries. Furthermore, they allow us to parameterize all admissible boundary conditions reachable by geodesics with cuspless spatial projection. Such projections lay in the upper half space. We prove this for most cases, and the rest is checked numerically. Finally, we employ the formulas to numerically solve the boundary value problem, and visualize the set of admissible boundary conditions.


  • In the space of smooth curves in R3, we define the energy functional E(x) :=ξ 2 + κ2(s) ds, E : C∞(R, R3) → R+, (1.1)with L ∈ R+ being the length of a curve s → x(s) ∈ R3

  • There, we show that these sub-Riemannian geodesics in SE(3) relate to well-defined geodesics of problem Pmec on the quotient R3 S2

  • One of the two requirements is a vanishing momentum component, the other is a requirement on the end-condition (x1, n1 = Rn1 ez) which should belong to a set R ⊂ R3 S2 that we express as the range of an exponential map of problem Pcurve

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In the space of smooth curves in R3, we define the energy functional E(x) :=ξ 2 + κ2(s) ds, E : C∞(R, R3) → R+, (1.1)with L ∈ R+ being the length (free) of a curve s → x(s) ∈ R3. We consider the problem Pcurve of minimizing the functional E(x) among all smooth curves s → x(s) in R3, satisfying the boundary conditions (see Fig. 1). The two-dimensional analog of this variational problem was studied as a possible model of the mechanism used by the visual cortex V1 of the human brain to reconstruct curves which are partially corrupted or hidden from observation. It turned out that only for certain end conditions, the 2D problem Pcurve is well-posed. The more general 2D problem related to a mechanical problem was completely solved by Sachkov [25, 32, 33], who in particular derived explicit formulas for the geodesics in subRiemannian arclength parameterization. An alternative expression in spatial arclength parameterization for cuspless sub-Riemannian geodesics was derived in [6, 13].

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