
We consider superstring theory on AdS3×S3×T4 supported by a combination of RR and NSNS 3-form fluxes (with parameter of the NSNS 3-form q). This theory interpolates between the pure RR flux model (q=0) whose spectrum is expected to be described by a (thermodynamic) Bethe ansatz and the pure NSNS flux model (q=1) which is described by the supersymmetric extension of the SL(2,R)×SU(2) WZW model. As a first step towards the solution of this integrable theory for generic value of q we compute the corresponding tree-level S-matrix for massive BMN-type excitations. We find that this S-matrix has a surprisingly simple dependence on q: the diagonal amplitudes have exactly the same structure as in the q=0 case but with the BMN dispersion relation e2=p2+1 replaced by the one with shifted momentum and mass, e2=(p±q)2+1−q2. The off-diagonal amplitudes are then determined from the classical Yang–Baxter equation. We also construct the Pohlmeyer-reduced model corresponding to this superstring theory and find that it depends on q only through the rescaled mass parameter, μ→1−q2μ, implying that its relativistic S-matrix is q-independent.

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