
The article is devoted to the consideration of a complex of problems relating to state sovereignty primarily of Russia and the future geopolitical world order. The authors proceed from the premise that in the conditions of globalization, which has won on a world scale, and the intensively developing processes of globalization, to preserve sovereignty, especially economic, no state is fully able to do so. The coming world order will be characterized by the existence and active activity on the international arena of three or four superpowers, possessing almost all the fullness of state sovereignty and in an extremely strict form dividing the territory of the globe and the global economy into spheres of influence. These states include the United States, China and, most likely, Russia. The fourth actor of this level can be that country that in the next 20-30 years will achieve the greatest success in the military and economic fields. All other countries will practically lose their state sovereignty (primarily economic and, as a consequence, its other kinds) and will be in one or the other, more or less, in a subordinate position in relation to the aforementioned powers.Russia will be able to maintain and consolidate its sovereignty, and again, along with the United States (in the near future, with the PRC and possibly another country), will gain the status of a superpower. But this will happen onlyif its ruling elite pulls out of its ranks numerous pro-Western, liberal-minded representatives of the «fifth column» and will become nationally oriented, nationally responsible and absolutely open. The authors hope that such self- purification of the ruling elite can occur bloodlessly.

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