
The selection of individual round spermatids for round spermatid injection (ROSI), a prerequisite for the successful application of this infertility treatment, has been hampered by the ambiguous definition of a round spermatid and the lack of specific vital and non-vital markers. Using cells from rhesus monkey and bull, we describe a non-invasive method for the on-stage selection of individual round spermatids for ROSI, based on the polarized patterns of mitochondria, visualized in live round spermatid cells by epifluorescence microscopy after incubation with MitoTracker(TM), a vital, mitochondrion-specific fluorescent probe. The correct identification of live round spermatid was confirmed by the presence of the acrosomal granule or acrosomal cap in parallel observations by Nomarski differential interference contrast microscopy. The existence of mitochondrial polarization was first established by the labelling of MitoTracker-tagged round spermatids with spermatid-specific antibodies against proteins of nascent sperm accessory structures combined with antibodies against a nuclear pore complex component, known to disappear at the round spermatid stage. Using an inverted microscope equipped with epifluorescence, the round spermatids can be individually selected from a heterogeneous population of testicular cells labelled with MitoTracker dyes. A major advantage of this approach is that the dyes are incorporated into the paternal mitochondria, destined for rapid elimination after fertilization. In addition, the relatively high excitation and emission wavelengths of MitoTracker dyes are less harmful to DNA after their photon excitation. Before the appropriate clinical testing is conducted, the MitoTracker-based round spermatid selection may be instrumental in the training of clinical staff.

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