
The topology of the solutions derived in Part I [J. Math. Phys. 28, 1118 (1987)] is discussed in detail using suitable topological embeddings. It is found that these solutions are homeomorphic to S3×R, R4, or S2×R2. Singularities and boundaries in these manifolds are examined within a global framework. One of these boundaries (mentioned but not examined in Part II) is regular (though unphysical), and is associated with an ‘‘asymptotically de Sitter’’ behavior characterized by an exponential form of the Hubble scale factor. Solutions with S2×R2 topology lack a center of symmetry [fixed point of SO(3)] and present a null boundary at an infinite affine parameter distance along hypersurfaces orthogonal to the four-velocity. This boundary, which in most cases is singular, can be identified as a null ℐ surface arising as an asymptotical null limit of timelike hypersurfaces. Solutions with this topology, matched to a Schwarzschild or Reissner–Nordstro/m region, describe collapsing fluid spheres whose ‘‘surface’’ (as seen by observers in the vacuum region) has finite proper radius, but whose ‘‘interior’’ is a fluid region of cosmological proportions. In the case when the null boundary of the fluid region is singular, it behaves as a sort of ‘‘white hole.’’ Uniform density solutions which are not conformally flat are all homeomorphic to S2×R2. Conformally flat solutions are also examined in detail. Their global structure has common features with those of FRW and de Sitter solutions. The static limits of all nonstatic solutions are discussed. In particular, under suitable parameter restrictions, some of these static solutions, together with the nonstatic conformally flat subclass, are the less physically objectionable of all solutions. Hence, it is suggested that kinetic theory models could be applied to them. Possible cosmological applications are discussed. The global structure of Wyman’s and McVittie’s solutions is examined in the Appendices.

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