
Abstract We are interested in various aspects of spectral rigidity of Cayley and Schreier graphs of finitely generated groups. For each pair of integers $d\geq 2$ and $m \ge 1$, we consider an uncountable family of groups of automorphisms of the rooted $d$-regular tree, which provide examples of the following interesting phenomena. For $d=2$ and any $m\geq 2$, we get an uncountable family of non-quasi-isometric Cayley graphs with the same Laplacian spectrum, a union of two intervals, which we compute explicitly. Some of the groups provide examples where the spectrum of the Cayley graph is connected for one generating set and has a gap for another. For each $d\geq 3, m\geq 1$, we exhibit infinite Schreier graphs of these groups with the spectrum a Cantor set of Lebesgue measure zero union a countable set of isolated points accumulating on it. The Kesten spectral measures of the Laplacian on these Schreier graphs are discrete and concentrated on the isolated points. We construct, moreover, a complete system of eigenfunctions that are strongly localized.

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