
The object of this paper is to derive some explicit formulae concerning the Weil representation that allow us to define this projective representation in a unique manner for each choice of symplectic basis. Let F be a self-dual locally compact field of char φ 2 and X a symplectic vector space over F. Let V, V* be two transversal Lagrangian subspaces. Then a classical construction due to Shale-SegalWeil gives a projective representation of the symplectic group Sp(JSΓ) in the Schwartz-space of V. The operators ξ(σ) corresponding to each σ e Sp(X) are determined uniquely only up to a scalar multiple. The starting point of this paper is an explicit integral formula for these operators ξ(σ), valid for all σ e Sp(X). In fact (see Lemma 3.2) we have for each σ e Sp(ΛΓ) ξ(σ)φ :x-+ fσ(x, x*)φ(xa + x*y) dμσ JV*/kevγ

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