
Spathiinae. Spathius pedunculatus (Hoffgg.) spec. nov. Black, the head (the face is blackish), mandibles, except at the apex, antennae, the apical half of scutellum in the centre (the mark almost square) and the greater part of the scutellum, rufo-testaceous, the base of the 2 abdominal segment, its apex and the apices of the others, of a paler rufo-testaceous colour, as are also the 2 and following ventral segments; legs yellowish testaceous, the apex of the hind femora broadly infuscated ; wings hyaline, the stigma for the greater part testaceous, the nervures blackish. Q. Length nearly 5 mm ; terebra nearly 2 mm, as long as the abdomen. „Java , Hoffgg. S. 12802. The specimen bears the name of „Spathius 'pedunculatus, Hoffgg., but the species has never been described. Face irregularly, somewhat strongly transversely striated, sparsely covered with longish black pubescence. Clypeus smooth, depressed, clearly separated. Front and vertex transversely rugosely punctured, the front more strongly than the vertex and more distinctly striated. Middle lobe of mesonotum finely, more or less transversely striated, the lateral much more strongly striated, the basal half more strongly than the apical and the striae there are more or less curved. Scutellum finely punctured. Metanotum with areae ; the basal much smaller than the apical, the central triangular, the lateral squarish; the central apical is slightly narrowed in the middle; the outer are widened in the centre on the outer side, where the keel projects into a tooth; all the areae are more or less strongly transversely striated. Upper part of propleurae longitudinally striated at the apex, the rest with stouter striae running from above downwards and curved on the top. Upper third of mesopleurae strongly, regularly, longitudinally striated; the base and apex more finely and irregularly, the metapleurae strongly obliquely, closely striated and divided into two by a longitudinal keel. Abdominal petiole opaque, finely closely longitudinally striated, two thirds of the length of the rest of the abdomen; it is bare, but this is probably through the

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