
In applied problems related to the study of non-stationary thermal processes, quite often a situation arises when it is impossible to carry out direct measurements of the required physical quantity and its characteristics are restored from the results of indirect measurements. In this case, the only way to find the required values is related to the solution of the inverse problem of heat conduction with the initial data known only on a part of the boundary. Problems of this kind arise not only in the study of thermal processes, but also in the study of diffusion processes, the study of the properties of materials associated with thermal characteristics. The article is devoted to solving the boundary inverse problem for solving the heat equation.


  • In applied problems related to the study of non-stationary thermal processes, quite often a situation arises when it is impossible to carry out direct measurements of the required physical quantity and its characteristics are restored from the results of indirect measurements

  • The only way to find the required values is related to the solution of the inverse problem of heat conduction with the initial data known only on a part of the boundary

  • Problems of this kind arise www.vestnikksucta.kg in the study of thermal processes, and in the study of diffusion processes, the study of the properties of materials associated with thermal characteristics

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Стационардуу эмес жылуулук процесстерин изилдөө менен байланышкан колдонмо маселелерде, керектүү физикалык чоңдукту түздөн-түз өлчөө мүмкүн болбой калса, анын мүнөздөгүчтөрүн кыйыр өлчөө натыйжаларына ылайык калыбына келтирилиши мүмкүн. О РАЗРЕШИМОСТИ ГРАНИЧНОЙ ОБРАТНОЙ ЗАДАЧИ ДЛЯ УРАВНЕНИЯ ТЕПЛОПРОВОДНОСТИ ON SOLVABILITY OF THE BOUNDARY INVERSE PROBLEM FOR THE HEAT CONDUCTIVITY EQUATION Макала жылуулук өткөргүчтүн теңдемесин үчүн чектик тескери маселени чечүүгөарналган. Өзөк сөздөр: чектик тескери маселелер, корректү эмес коюлган маселелер, жылуулук өткөргүчтүн теңдемеси, Абель интегралдык теңдемеси.

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