
Exact solutions to the quantum S-matrices for solitons in simply laced affine Toda field theories are obtained, except for certain factors of simple type which remain undetermined in some cases. These are found by postulating solutions which are consistent with the semi-classical limit, ℏ → 0, and the known time delays for a classical two-soliton interaction. This is done by a ‘ q-deformation’ procedure, to move from the classical time delay to the exact S-matrix, by inserting a special function called the ‘regularised’ quantum dilogarithm, which only holds when | q| = 1. It is then hecked that the solutions satisfy the crossing, unitarity and bootstrap constraints of S-matrix theory. These properties essentially follow from analogous properties satisfied by the classical time delay. Furthermore, the lowest mass breather S-matrices are computed by the bootstrap, and it is shown, modulo the undetermined factors, that these agree with the particle S-matrices known already in the affine Toda field theories, in all simply laced cases.

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