
We study a linear cocycle over irrational rotation $\sigma_{\omega}(x) = x + \omega$ of a circle $\mathbb{T}^{1}$. It is supposed the cocycle is generated by a $C^{1}$-map $A_{\varepsilon}: \mathbb{T}^{1} \to SL(2, \mathbb{R})$ which depends on a small parameter $\varepsilon\ll 1$ and has the form of the Poincar\'e map corresponding to a singularly perturbed Schr\"odinger equation. Under assumption the eigenvalues of $A_{\varepsilon}(x)$ to be of the form $\exp(\pm \lambda(x)/\varepsilon)$, where $\lambda(x)$ is a positive function, we examine the property of the cocycle to possess an exponential dichotomy (ED) with respect to the parameter $\varepsilon$. We show that in the limit $\varepsilon\to 0$ the cocycle "typically" exhibits ED only if it is exponentially close to a constant cocycle. In contrary, if the cocycle is not close to a constant one it does not posesses ED, whereas the Lyapunov exponent is "typically" large.

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