
Following the results of the conducted research of significant milestones in the state legal understanding of state control (supervision) in different historical periods, the author shows the following. The consideration of state control (supervision), municipal control and public control in their systemic unity in connection with the issues of improving the quality of state and municipal management in modern Russia is based on long-standing state legal traditions in the domestic legal science and practice of state construction of both the pre-revolutionary and Soviet periods. The paper concludes that at present the improvement of legal regulation and constitutional and legal approaches to the understanding and organization of state control (supervision), municipal control and public control in Russia continues, while modern vectors are set by the concepts of «State for citizens», client-centricity of public administration and the expansion of risk-based approach in control and supervisory activities. The author notes that in the future it might be possible to return to the previously discussed idea of codification of legislative material in order to give the regulatory framework of control and supervisory activities even greater stability and systematization, corresponding to its extremely important importance in the system of modern Russian legislation. The author expresses a standpoint on the need to develop the legal doctrine of the control and supervisory activities as an interdisciplinary subject and a plane for interdisciplinary research given the continuing constitutional and legal basis for a systematic scientific understanding of these activities. This is important since it is this approach that can give a significant synergetic effect for the further scientifically elaborated development of control and supervisory activities in the Russian Federation.

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