
Introduction. The main subject we shall discuss in this second paper is the Siegel modular forms of genus two with levels. The method we used in the first paper [5] did not give sufficient information even for level two. Therefore the problem (raised by Grothendieck) whether modular varieties become non-singular or not for higher levels was beyond our reach. With some other applications in mind, we therefore investigated as modular forms and proved, among others, a fundamental lemma in our recent paper [6]. Using the results in that paper, we shall show that modularvarieties of high levels do not have non-singular coverings even locally around their singular points. Also we shall determine how r2(1)/1'2(2) = Sp(2, Z/2Z) acts on the ring of modular forms A (r2 (2)) and obtain the characters of its action on the homogeneous parts A (r2 (2) ) k for k = 0, 1, 2, . In this way, we shall determine A (IF2 (1)) reproducing our earlier structure theorem on A (r2 (1 )) (2). Furthermore, the polynomial expressions of the four basic Eisenstein series of level one by theta-constants and a known identity of this kind (between a certain Eisenstein series of level two and the eighth power of Riemann's theta-constant [1]) will be obtained. We note that this identity was previously obtained using the Siegel main theorem on quadratic forms.

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