
We study the equations governing rigid N=1 supersymmetry in five dimensions. If the supersymmetry spinor satisfies a reality condition, these are foliations admitting families of almost complex structures on the leaves. In other words, all these manifolds have families of almost Cauchy-Riemann (CR) structures. After deriving integrability conditions under which circumstances the almost CR structure defines a CR manifold or a transversally holomorphic foliation (THF), we discuss implications on localization. We also discuss potential global obstructions to the existence of solutions.


  • Equations arising from the gravitino and dilatino variations

  • We study the equations governing rigid N = 1 supersymmetry in five dimensions

  • This is integrable in a sense that we will discuss shortly and it follows that one can introduce differentials ∂b and ∂ ̄b that correspond to the Dolbeault operators ∂ and ∂ ̄ that are familiar from complex geometry

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The almost contact structure

The bulk of our analysis is based on the following set of bi-spinors that can be defined for any given ξI :. A further consequence of (A.1) is that s ≥ 0 with equality if and only if ξI = 0 It follows that s > 0 everywhere on M since the gravitino equation is linear and of first order. We will refer to vectors and forms parallel to R and κ respectively as vertical and their orthogonal complement as horizontal. The Hodge dual defines the notion of self-dual and anti self-dual forms on the horizontal subspace. Since the ΘIJ are both horizontal and self-dual, ΘIJ = (ΘIJ )+, they define an isomorphism between su(2)R and the su(2)+ factor in the typical so(4) ∼= su(2)+ × su(2)− decomposition of the Lie algebra of the structure group. Once we IJ impose the reality condition (2.10) for mIJ , det m will be positive semi-definite. Note that Φ is invariant under mIJ → f mIJ for any non-zero function f

The almost CR structure
Differential properties
Supersymmetry variations and bispinors
Cauchy-Riemann structures
Transversally holomorphic foliations
Implications for localization
Mode counting and partition functions
BPS equations on the Higgs branch
A Karlhede-Rocek-Witten twist in five dimensions
Gravitino equation
Topological issues
Sasakian manifolds
A Conventions
B The spinorial holomorphy condition
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