
On returning to New Zealand after an absence of twelve years, we are experiencing a quite remarkable sense of deja vu. The monetarist policy of the Labour government is being carried through with a speed and a thoroughness which must make Thatcher green with envy. Total emphasis everywhere on "user pay"—involving the progressive demolition of the social security system which had once been the country's main claim to any sort of fame. Orientation of education entirely towards the needs of industry, commerce, and government. Remarkable proliferation of a totally new class of millionaires who owe their rise to playing either the stock market or the property market and who have pushed the traditional elite groups (land, etc.) into the background. Gross inflation of unproductive tertiary sector at expense of productive sectors of the economy—leading to widening economic/social gap between bigger cities and rest of country. Growing integration of various sectors of economy into web of transnational capitalism. Frenzied pursuit of consumer goods, partly encouraged by government policies.This article can also be found at the Monthly Review website, where most recent articles are published in full.Click here to purchase a PDF version of this article at the Monthly Review website.

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