
It is shown that the relativistic gluon corrections for the states with j'O are consistently included in the instantaneous ladder BS equation but the higher-order kernels may contribute to the ground states with j=O. The retardation correction is examined. The relativistic effect is shown to be essential to get the reasonable value for M(T/e). The relativistic effects are important for the study of the charmonium and are not negligible even in the b b system. It is found, in a recent paper,') that the experimental mass spectrum of the charmonium is very well reproduced in the relativistic model based on the instantaneous Bethe-Salpeter equation if the scalar (exchange) potential is assumed for the confining force. The gluonic correction (transverse-polarization part in the Coulomb gauge) restricted by the cutoff for the short-distance interaction (for the momenta p > 1.5 mq) plays an essential role in adjusting the fine and hyperone splittings, and the ladder itera­ tion of the gluonic correction is included in the calculations. That is, some part of the higher­ order corrections is formally included in the model of Ref. 1). If this iteration really has non-negligible effects, we should infer that the other higher order (in as) kernels which are neglected in the model also have significant effects in the short-distance region (r ~ 1/ mq).*) This means that the ladder approximation is not sufficient. If, on the other hand, the effects of the iteration are negligible, we can say that the ladder model provides a selfconsistent framework for the gluonic correction. It turns out to be equiva­ lent to the model based on the first-order perturba­ tion theory. The first purpose of the present paper is to examine the consistency of the ladder approxima­ tion. It will be shown that the ladder approxima­ tion is satisfactory for the states with j =\= 0 but the corrections from the second-order kernels may be *> We know, for example, that the second-order (in as) kernels with the pair-creation intermediate states have some effects in the short-distance region (see the Appendix of Ref. 1)). considerably large for the ground states with j = O. In other words, the masses of the 11 So and the 1 3 Po states are important for the study of the higher-order gluonic interaction where the non­ Abelian character of the QCD appears. The second purpose is to examine the retardation correction. We lastly show that the highel-order p2/m2 corrections are important for the char­ monium, especially for obtaining the reasonable value of M(T/e). We first describe the model briefly. The in­ stantaneous BS equation is written as {M - Hl(p) - H2( - p) }x(p)

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