
Type material of three bryozoan species first described by Ehrhard Voigt in his early publications of 1924 and 1930 has been rediscovered. All bryozoan material described by Voigt between 1923 and 1942 was previously believed to have been either destroyed in 1943 or otherwise lost. The rediscovered material belonged to the collections of Hermann Brandes and the Preusische Geologische Landesanstalt (PGL), and comes from the Middle Santonian of two localities in northern Germany. Three cheilostome bryozoan species—Conopeum congestum Voigt, 1924d, Ogiva promonturiorum Voigt, 1924d and Membranipora brandesi Voigt, 1930—from the Subhercynian Cretaceous Basin and the eastern Lower Saxony Basin are revised herein using new SEM and microphotographic images. C. congestum and M. brandesi are transferred to Chiplonkarina Taylor & Badve, 1995 and Wilbertopora Cheetham, 1954, respectively, while O. promonturiorum is transferred back to its original genus Ogiva Jullien, 1882. The holotypes of C. congestum and M. brandesi are the only known specimens belonging to these species, whereas O. promonturiorum is a common and characteristic species of the Santonian and Lower Campanian in northern Germany. The new species Ogiva ellinorvoigtae sp. nov. is introduced for material in the Voigt Collection that is morphologically similar to but distinct from O. promonturiorum.

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