
For two convex discs $K$ and $L$, we say that $K$ is $L$-convex if it is equal to the intersection of all translates of $L$ that contain $K$. In $L$-convexity the set $L$ plays a similar role as closed half-spaces do in the classical notion of convexity. We study the following probability model: Let $K$ and $L$ be $C^2_+$ smooth convex discs such that $K$ is $L$-convex. Select $n$ i.i.d. uniform random points $x_1,\ldots, x_n$ from $K$, and consider the intersection $K_{(n)}$ of all translates of $L$ that contain all of $x_1,\ldots, x_n$. The set $K_{(n)}$ is a random $L$-convex polygon in $K$. We study the expectation of the number of vertices $f_0(K_{(n)})$ and the missed area $A(K\setminus K_{n})$ as $n$ tends to infinity. We consider two special cases of the model. In the first case we assume that the maximum of the curvature of the boundary of $L$ is strictly less than $1$ and the minimum of the curvature of $K$ is larger than $1$. In this setting the expected number of vertices and missed area behave in a similar way as in the classical convex case and in the $r$-spindle convex case (when $L$ is a radius $r$ circular disc). The other case we study is when $K=L$. This setting is special in the sense that an interesting phenomenon occurs: the expected number of vertices tends to a finite limit depending only on $L$. This was previously observed in the special case when $L$ is a circle of radius $r$ (Fodor, Kevei and Vigh (2014)). We also determine the extrema of the limit of the expectation of the number of vertices of $L_{(n)}$ if $L$ is a convex discs of constant width $1$. The formulas we prove can be considered as generalizations of the corresponding $r$-spindle convex statements proved by Fodor, Kevei and Vigh (2014).


  • Introduction and resultsRényi and Sulanke started the investigation of the asymptotic properties of random polytopes in their seminal papers [22,23,24]

  • We do not venture to give an overview of the subject in this paper, instead, we refer to the comprehensive surveys [1, 15, 21, 26,27,28,29,30] for more information and references

  • We only note that the importance of spindle convexity lies, at least partly, in the role intersections of congruent balls play in the study of, for example, the Kneser–Poulsen conjecture, diametrically complete bodies and randomized isoperimetric inequalities for more on this topic and references we suggest to see [2, 8, 11, 12, 17, 19]

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Introduction and resultsRényi and Sulanke started the investigation of the asymptotic properties of random polytopes in their seminal papers [22,23,24]. We say that a convex set is smooth if this supporting hyperplane is unique at each boundary point. It clearly follows that if both K and L are smooth, K has a unique supporting disc at each boundary point.

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