
In mathcal{N}=5 , 6, 8 supergravities there are hidden symmetries of equations of motion, described by duality groups SU(1, 5), SO*(12), E7(7) respectively. UV divergences and known candidate counterterms violate the deformed duality symmetry current conservation. Extra higher derivative terms in the action are required to restore duality. We study the effect of a two-vector part of the counterterm for mathcal{N}ge 5 supergravities using the universality of the symplectic structure of extended supergravities. We construct a compact form of a deformed action with infinite number of higher derivative terms and restored duality symmetry with deformation parameter λ. We find, in λ2 approximation, that the mathrm{S}mathrm{U}left(mathcal{N}right) symmetry of the deformed theory is restored on shell.

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