
The authors describe the essence of criminal policy in fighting transnational crime, single out its forms and prospective directions. The problem of this type is crime is analyzed and the factors relevant for the legislation of the Russian Federation are presented. The authors also include statistics reflecting the dynamics of transnational crime on the territory of the Russian Federation using the example of some types of transnational crime in the last four years. They pay attention to the causes of the decreasing efficiency of crime disclosure and investigation. Topical areas of improving the quality of investigating transnational crime are presented: 1) activization of information-analytical work of investigators; 2) improvement of criminal procedure legislation; 3) improvement of low-level organizational work; 4) activization of the cooperation of investigators with the local communities; 5) activization of the preventive activities of investigators. Using the analysis of the condition and level of transnational crime on the territory of the Russian Federation and the problems of fighting it, the authors describe a number of prospective directions of criminal policy in this sphere, including: a comparative legal analysis of clauses in international legal documents and in Russian criminal legislation; development of the legislative basis of the Russian Federation and legal terminology; improving the quality of investigating transnational crimes; identification of transnational crimes committed on the territory of the Russian Federation; enhancing the role of the investigator in the implementation of state criminal law policy in the sphere of counteracting transnational crime; developing the criminal policy methodology for counteracting transnational crime; creating conditions for the practical implementation of criminal policy clauses. The authors conclude that the discussed measures, as well as other possible measures, will help improve the concept of state criminal policy of the Russian Federation, make the detection of transnational crime one of the priorities of our countrys criminal policy and identify ways for its further development in the context of globalization and digitization processes in contemporary Russian society, as well as its integration in the global legal space. It is stressed that the analyzed directions require practical implementation at all organizational and managerial levels.

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