
Abstract Probabilistic argumentation combines probability theory and formal models of argumentation. Given an argumentation graph where vertices are arguments and edges are attacks or supports between arguments, the approach of probabilistic labellings relies on a probability space where the sample space is any specific set of argument labellings of the graph, so that any labelling outcome can be associated with a probability value. Argument labellings can feature a label indicating that an argument is not expressed, and in previous work these labellings were constructed by exploiting the subargument-completeness postulate according to which if an argument is expressed then its subarguments are expressed and through the use of the concept of ‘subargument-complete subgraphs’. While the use of such subgraphs is interesting to compare probabilistic labellings with other works in the literature, it may also hinder the comprehension of a relatively simple framework. In this short communication, we revisit the construction of probabilistic labellings and demonstrate how labellings can be specified without reference to the concept of subargument-complete subgraphs. By doing so, the framework is simplified and yields a more natural model of argumentation.

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