
The dynamic quantitative balance between prey and predator invertebrate species inhabiting the same shallow-shelf (sublittoral level bottom) benthic communities was first discussed by Thorson (1953). Thorson considered the exact timing of larval settlement of prey and predator species possessing pelagic development and temporal supression of the adult predators' feeding activities during reproduction at the time of the preys' settlement to constitute the major factors which facilitate survival of the prey species in such communities. However, information obtained demonstrates that Thorson's “mechanism of balance between predator and prey species of benthic communities” is not always effective in securing survival from predation not only of the prey's spat but even sometimes of the predator's spat also. Because of this, the “mechanism” can not be rated as universally effective in all situations. Analysis of the data so far published demonstrates that, in marine benthic communities, especially in shallow-shelf waters, it is not uncommon for gametes, larvae, or early juveniles of different prey species to pass alive through suspension (filter)-feeding and deposit-feeding adult invertebrates preying on them. Sometimes development can even continue after excretion by predators. The hypothesis of Voskresensky (1948) and Goycher (1949) of the importance of this phenomenon for the maintenance and recruitment of the mussel Mytilus edulis and other filter-feeding lamellibranchs of nearshore waters preying on their own and other lamellibranch pelagic larvae must be rejected on the basis of accumulated data on their feeding and general biology and on the adverse influence of the mucous of their faecal pellets and pseudofaeces on the larvae excreted by them alive. The data considered here demonstrate that, although the passing alive of larvae and spat of benthic invertebrates through benthic predators is not uncommon in shallow-shelf bottom-communities, it plays no important role in the processes of maintenance and recruitment of the species and communities involved nor of the marine benthos as a whole. The actual ecological significance of predation on pelagic larvae and bottom spat of benthic invertebrate prey species by all three main trophic groups of marine benthos (suspension or filter-feeders, deposit-feeders, carnivores) and its importance to predator-prey dynamics in marine benthic communities remains open to debate until more reliable quantitative data become available.

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