
For competitive Lotka–Volterra systems, Ahmad and Lazer’s work [S. Ahmad, A.C. Lazer, Average growth and total permanence in a competitive Lotka–Volterra system, Annali di Matematica 185 (2006) S47–S67] on total permanence of systems without delays has been extended to delayed systems [Z. Hou, On permanence of all subsystems of competitive Lotka–Volterra systems with delays, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 11 (2010) 4285–4301]. In this paper, existence and boundedness of nonnegative solutions and permanence are considered for general Lotka–Volterra systems with delays including competitive, cooperative, predator–prey and mixed type systems. First, a condition is established for the existence and boundedness of solutions on a half line. Second, a necessary condition on the limits of the average growth rates is provided for permanence of all subsystems. Then the result for competitive systems is also proved for the general systems by using the same techniques. Just as for competitive systems, the eminent finding is that permanence of the system and all of its subsystems is completely irrelevant to the size and distribution of the delays.

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