
The mouse visual system is an emerging model for the study of cortical and thalamic circuit function. To maximize the usefulness of this model system, it is important to analyze the similarities and differences between the organization of all levels of the murid visual system with other, better studied systems (e.g., non-human primates and the domestic cat). While the understanding of mouse retina and cortex has expanded rapidly, less is known about mouse dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (dLGN). Here, we study whether parallel processing streams exist in mouse dLGN. We use a battery of stimuli that have been previously shown to successfully distinguish parallel streams in other species: electrical stimulation of the optic chiasm, contrast-reversing stationary gratings at varying spatial phase, drifting sinusoidal gratings, dense noise for receptive field reconstruction, and frozen contrast-modulating noise. As in the optic nerves of domestic cats and non-human primates, we find evidence for multiple conduction velocity groups after optic chiasm stimulation. As in so-called “visual mammals”, we find a subpopulation of mouse dLGN cells showing non-linear spatial summation. However, differences in stimulus selectivity and sensitivity do not provide sufficient basis for identification of clearly distinct classes of relay cells. Nevertheless, consistent with presumptively homologous status of dLGNs of all mammals, there are substantial similarities between response properties of mouse dLGN neurons and those of cats and primates.


  • In order to investigate the organization of the mouse retinogeniculate pathway in relation to functional parallel streams, we recorded LFPs and single units from the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (dLGN) using an array of independently-positionable tetrodes in isoflurane-anesthetized mice (n = 18)

  • Detailed anatomical characterization of C57/B6 retinal axons suggest a bimodal distribution of axonal diameters (Seecharan et al, 2003), but to our knowledge no study of mouse dLGN activity evoked by electrical stimulation of the optic nerve has been published

  • We find that in the mouse, three distinct populations of dLGN neurons could be distinguished on the basis of the latency of response to electrical stimulation of the optic chiasm

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The first evidence that visual pathways are organized into parallel streams was the recording of early and late components in the compound action potential triggered by electrical stimulation of the optic nerve of frog and rabbit (Bishop, 1933). The presence of distinct groups of optic nerve fibers with different conduction velocities in response to electrical stimulation was later confirmed in the cat (Bishop and O’Leary, 1938). The work of Stone and Hoffmann (1971) established a correspondence between dLGN neuron orthodromic latency and the antidromic latency to electrical stimulation of visual cortex (V1), demonstrating the segregation of pathways according to conduction velocity (i.e., axonal diameter) from retina to V1

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