
This paper considers Weyl modules for a simple, simply connected algebraic group over an algebraically closed field $k$ of positive characteristic $p\not=2$. The main result proves, if $p\geq 2h-2$ (where $h$ is the Coxeter number) and if the Lusztig character formula holds for all (irreducible modules with) regular restricted highest weights, then any Weyl module $\Delta(\lambda)$ has a $\Delta^p$-filtration, namely, a filtration with sections of the form $\Delta^p(\mu_0+p\mu_1):=L(\mu_0)\otimes\Delta(\mu_1)^{[1]}$, where $\mu_0$ is restricted and $\mu_1$ is arbitrary dominant. In case the highest weight $\lambda$ of the Weyl module $\Delta(\lambda)$ is $p$-regular, the $p$-filtration is compatible with the $G_1$-radical series of the module. The problem of showing that Weyl modules have $\Delta^p$-filtrations was first proposed as a worthwhile ("w\"unschenswert") problem in Jantzen's 1980 Crelle paper.

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