
AbstractIn 2003, Bohman, Frieze, and Martin initiated the study of randomly perturbed graphs and digraphs. For digraphs, they showed that for every $\alpha \gt 0$ , there exists a constant $C$ such that for every $n$ -vertex digraph of minimum semi-degree at least $\alpha n$ , if one adds $Cn$ random edges then asymptotically almost surely the resulting digraph contains a consistently oriented Hamilton cycle. We generalize their result, showing that the hypothesis of this theorem actually asymptotically almost surely ensures the existence of every orientation of a cycle of every possible length, simultaneously. Moreover, we prove that we can relax the minimum semi-degree condition to a minimum total degree condition when considering orientations of a cycle that do not contain a large number of vertices of indegree $1$ . Our proofs make use of a variant of an absorbing method of Montgomery.

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