
Novel nonassociative octonionic ternary gauge field theories are proposed based on a ternary bracket. This paves the way to the many physical applications of exceptional Jordan Strings/Membranes and Octonionic Gravity. The old octonionic gravity constructions based on the split octonion algebra Os (which strictly speaking is not a division algebra) is extended to the full fledged octonion division algebra O. A real-valued analog of the Einstein–Hilbert Lagrangian [Formula: see text] involving sums of all the possible contractions of the Ricci tensors plus their octonionic-complex conjugates is presented. A discussion follows of how to extract the Standard Model group (the gauge fields) from the internal part of the octonionic gravitational connection. The role of exceptional Jordan algebras, their automorphism and reduced structure groups which play the roles of the rotation and Lorentz groups is also re-examined. Finally, we construct (to our knowledge) generalized novel octonionic string and p-brane actions and raise the possibility that our generalized 3-brane action (based on a quartic product) in octonionic flat backgrounds of 7,8 octonionic dimensions may display an underlying E7, E8 symmetry, respectively. We conclude with some final remarks pertaining to the developments related to Jordan exceptional algebras, octonions, black-holes in string theory and quantum information theory.

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