
Since the Conservativity Universal (Barwise & Cooper 1981; Keenan & Stavi 1986) has been proposed for natural language determiners, several apparent counterexamples have been presented in the literature. Some of these, such as English only in Only students presented, have been argued to involve an adverbial structure, thus not violating Conservativity. In this paper, we focus on proportional quantifiers such as 70% in Korean, which have been shown to have a non- conservative reading when floated out of the DP (Ahn & Sauerland 2017). While Ahn & Sauerland (2017) assume that floated quantifiers are adnominal, Korean floated quantifiers have been shown to have both adnominal and adverbial variants (Ko 2014), thus leaving open the possibility that the non-conservative reading is simply resulting from an adverbial structure, like only. We test out the predictions of the adnominal and the adverbial accounts of non-conservative quantifiers in Korean. Our results show that floating quantifiers in non-conservative contexts a) cannot be definite-marked, and b) cannot be intervened by a vP-internal (low) adverbial, both of which are predicted if the non-conservative quantifier is adnominal, but not if it is adverbial. Based on these findings, we conclude that the non-conservative proportional quantifiers in Korean involve adnominal floating quantifiers. Our study thus makes a novel case for the claim that syntactic movement can be implicated in order to explain a non-conservative construal of a quantifier in languages under the Conservativity Universal.


  • The Conservativity Universal (Barwise & Cooper 1981; Keenan & Stavi 1986) states that all generalized quantifiers that are expressed by a determiner in a natural language are conservative, where conservativity is defined as in (1)

  • In order to determine whether floating proportional quantifiers in Korean are adverbial or adnominal, we identified two different diagnostics and implemented them into two online truth-value judgment (TVJ) tasks

  • The results suggest that proportional quantifiers with a non-conservative reading are adnominals in nature, which are subject to severe ordering restrictions

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Only in a determiner position as in (2) has been argued to violate the Conservativity Universal since it necessarily refers to the set of smokers who are not students (see von Fintel & Keenan 2018 for discussion). Another determiner that has been pointed out as violating the Conservativity universal is many, as discussed in examples like (3) in Westerståhl 1985. Too, there is a reading available that is not conservative: in that reading, the sentence is true if and only if many of the Nobel Prize winners in literature are Scandinavians

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