
The NTRU problem can be viewed as an instance of finding a short non-zero vector in a lattice, under the promise that it contains an exceptionally short vector. Further, the lattice under scope has the structure of a rank-2 module over the ring of integers of a number field. Let us refer to this problem as the module unique Shortest Vector Problem, or mod-uSVP for short. We exhibit two reductions that together provide evidence the NTRU problem is not just a particular case of mod-uSVP, but representative of it from a computational perspective. First, we reduce worst-case mod-uSVP to worst-case NTRU. For this, we rely on an oracle for id-SVP, the problem of finding short non-zero vectors in ideal lattices. Using the worst-case id-SVP to worst-case NTRU reduction from Pellet-Mary and Stehlé [ASIACRYPT’21], this shows that worst-case NTRU is equivalent to worst-case mod-uSVP. Second, we give a random self-reduction for mod-uSVP. We put forward a distribution $$D^{\textrm{uSVP}}$$ over mod-uSVP instances such that solving mod-uSVP with a non-negligible probability for samples from $$D^{\textrm{uSVP}}$$ allows to solve mod-uSVP in the worst-case. With the first result, this gives a reduction from worst-case mod-uSVP to an average-case version of NTRU where the NTRU instance distribution is inherited from $$D^{\textrm{uSVP}}$$ . This worst-case to average-case reduction requires an oracle for id-SVP.

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