
Finding the set of most influential users in online social networks (OSNs) to trigger the largest influence cascade is meaningful, e.g., companies may leverage the “word-of-mouth” effect to trigger a large cascade of purchases by offering free samples/discounts to those most influential users. This task is usually modeled as an influence maximization problem, and it has been widely studied in the past decade. However, considering that users in OSNs may participate in various online activities, e.g., joining discussion groups and commenting on same pages or products, influence diffusion through online activities becomes even more significant. In this article, we study the impact of online activities by formulating social-activity networks which contain both users and online activities, and thus induce two types of weighted edges, i.e., edges between users and edges between users and activities. To address the computation challenge, we define an influence centrality via random walks, and use the Monte Carlo framework to efficiently estimate the centrality. Furthermore, we develop a greedy-based algorithm with novel optimizations to find the most influential users for node recommendation. Experiments on real-world datasets show that our approach is very computationally efficient under different influence models, and also achieves larger influence spread by considering online activities.

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