
Let $(\Sigma_1,g_1)$ and $(\Sigma_2,g_2)$ be connected, complete and orientable Riemannian two manifolds. Consider the two canonical K\"ahler structures $(G^{\epsilon},J,\Omega^{\epsilon})$ on the product 4-manifold $\Sigma_1\times\Sigma_2$ given by $ G^{\epsilon}=g_1\oplus \epsilon g_2$, $\epsilon=\pm 1$ and $J$ is the canonical product complex structure. Thus for $\epsilon=1$ the K\"ahler metric $G^+$ is Riemannian while for $\epsilon=-1$, $G^-$ is of neutral signature. We show that the metric $G^{\epsilon}$ is locally conformally flat iff the Gauss curvatures $\kappa(g_1)$ and $\kappa(g_2)$ are both constants satisfying $\kappa(g_1)=-\epsilon\kappa(g_2)$. We also give conditions on the Gauss curvatures for which every $G^{\epsilon}$-minimal Lagrangian surface is the product $\gamma_1\times\gamma_2\subset\Sigma_1\times\Sigma_2$, where $\gamma_1$ and $\gamma_2$ are geodesics of $(\Sigma_1,g_1)$ and $(\Sigma_2,g_2)$, respectively. Finally, we explore the Hamiltonian stability of projected rank one Hamiltonian $G^{\epsilon}$-minimal surfaces.

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