
Generalising an analysis of Corvino and Schoen, we study surjectivity properties of the constraint map in general relativity in a large class of weighted Sobolev spaces. As a corollary we prove several perturbation, gluing, and extension results: we show existence of non-trivial, singularityfree, vacuum space-times which are stationary in a neighborhood of i; for small perturbations of parity-covariant initial data sufficiently close to those for Minkowski space-time this leads to space-times with a smooth global I ; we prove existence of initial data for many black holes which are exactly Kerr – or exactly Schwarzschild – both near infinity and near each of the connected components of the apparent horizon; under appropriate conditions we obtain existence of vacuum extensions of vacuum initial data across compact boundaries; we show that for generic metrics the deformations in the Isenberg-Mazzeo-Pollack gluings can be localised, so that the initial data on the connected sum manifold coincide with the original ones except for a small neighborhood of the gluing region; we prove existence of asymptotically flat solutions which are static or stationary up to r−m terms, for any fixed m, and with multipole moments freely prescribable within certain ranges. ∗Partially supported by a Polish Research Committee grant 2 P03B 073 24; email piotr@ gargan.math.univ-tours.fr †Visiting Scientist. Permanent address: Departement de Mathematiques, Faculte des Sciences, Parc de Grandmont, F37200 Tours, France. ‡Partially supported by the ACI program of the French Ministry of Research; email delay@ gargan.math.univ-tours.fr

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