
In column stores, which ingest large amounts of data into multiple column groups, query performance deteriorates. Commercial column stores use log-structured merge (LSM) tree on projections to ingest data rapidly. LSM tree improves ingestion performance, but for column stores the sort-merge maintenance phase in an LSM tree is I/O-intensive, which slows concurrent queries and reduces overall throughput. In this paper, we present a simple heuristic approach to reduce the sorting and merging cost that arise when data is ingested in column stores. We demonstrate how a Min-Max heuristic can construct buckets and identify the level of sortedness in each range of data. Filled and relatively-sorted buckets are written out to disk; unfilled buckets are retained to achieve a better level of sortedness, thus avoiding the expensive sort-merge phase. We compare our Min-Max approach with LSM tree and production columnar stores using real and synthetic datasets.

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