
Relativizing computations of Turing machines to an oracle is a central concept in the theory of computation, both in complexity theory and in computability theory(!). Inspired by lowness notions from computability theory, Allender introduced the concept of “low for speed” oracles. An oracle A is low for speed if relativizing to A has essentially no effect on computational complexity, meaning that if a decidable language can be decided in time f(n) with access to oracle A, then it can be decided in time poly(f(n)) without any oracle. The existence of non-computable such A's was later proven by Bayer and Slaman, who even constructed a computably enumerable one, and exhibited a number of properties of these oracles. In this paper, we pursue this line of research, answering the questions left by Bayer and Slaman and give further evidence that the class of low for speed oracles is a very rich one.

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