
We consider a single batch machine on-line scheduling problem with jobs arriving over time. A batch processing machine can handle up to B jobs simultaneously as a batch, and the processing time for a batch is equal to the longest processing time among the jobs in it. Each job becomes available at its arrival time, which is not known in advance, and its characteristics, such as processing time and delivery time, become known at its arrival. Once the processing of a job is completed we deliver it to the destination. The objective is to minimize the time by which all jobs have been delivered. In this paper, we deal with two variants: the unbound model where B is sufficiently large and the bounded model where B is finite. We provide on-line algorithms with competitive ratio 2 for the unbounded model and with competitive ratio 3 for the bounded model. For when each job has the same processing time, we provide on-line algorithms with competitive ratios ( 5 + 1 ) / 2 , and these results are the best possible.

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