
Post-column ion-pair extraction has been applied to the on-line radiometric determination of [ 14C]-urapidil and its main metabolises in reversed-phase liquid chromatography (LC). [ 14C]-remoxipride was used as internal standard. Chromatography was performed isocratically, using acetonitrile—water (pH = 2.2) as eluent on a cyanobonded column. Various ion-pair reagents were tested for their extraction efficiency of the analytes mentioned from the eluent into chloroform. Quantitative extraction was possible using sodium dodecylbenzenesulphonate as ion-pair reagent. The influence of the extraction solvent composition, the percentage organic modifier in the eluent and the flow-rates of eluent and scintillator on the extraction percentage and the 14C-counting efficiency has been studied. In addition, the enhancement of sensitivity is possible using an on-line radiometric procedure. Finally, the method has been applied to the analysis of rat plasma for [ 14C] -labelled urapidil and its metabolises.

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