
For any lacunary sequence $theta = (k_{r})$, we define the concepts of $S_{theta}-$limit point and $S_{theta}-$cluster point of a sequence of fuzzy numbers $X = (X_{k})$. We introduce the new sets $Lambda^{F}_{S_{theta}}(X)$, $Gamma^{F}_{S_{theta}}(X)$ and prove some inclusion relaions between these and the sets $Lambda^{F}_{S}(X)$, $Gamma^{F}_{S}(X)$ introduced in ~cite{Ayt:Slpsfn} by Aytar [S. Aytar, Statistical limit points of sequences of fuzzy numbers, Inform. Sci. 165 (2004) 129-138]. Later, we find restriction on the lacunary sequence $theta = (k_{r})$ for which the sets $Lambda^{F}_{S_{theta}}(X)$ and $Gamma^{F}_{S_{theta}}(X)$ respectively coincides with the sets $Lambda^{F}_{S}(X)$ and $Gamma^{F}_{S}(X)$.

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