
Let G be a locally compact group with fixed left Haar measure dx. Recall that G is said to be amenable if there exists a left translation invariant mean on the space L∞(G), i.e. if there exists a positive, linear functional M on L∞(G) such that M(lG) = 1 and M(xø) = Mø for all ø∈L∞(G), x∈G, where xø denotes the left translate xø(y) = ø(xy). The class of amenable groups includes all soluble and all compact groups (concerning the theory of amenable groups we refer to [9]). It is easy to see that G is amenable if and only if ℂ1G, the space of the constant functions on G, has a closed left translationinvariant complement in L∞(G). This reformulation of amenability leads to the following more general question.

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