
In this paper, we first study the behavior of inverse mean curvature flow in Schwarzschild manifold. We show that if the initial hypersurface $\Sigma$ is strictly mean convex and star-shaped, then the flow hypersurface $\Sigma_t$ converges to a large coordinate sphere as $t\rightarrow \infty$ exponentially. We also describe an application of this convergence result. In the second part of this paper, we will analyse the inverse mean curvature flow in Kottler-Schwarzchild manifold. By deriving a lower bound for the mean curvature on the flow hypersurface independently of the initial mean curvature, we can use an approximation argument to show the global existence and regularity of the smooth inverse mean curvature flow for star-shaped and weakly mean convex initial hypersurface, which generalizes Huisken-Ilmanen's result [18].

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