
The purpose of this article is to record the center of the Lie algebra obtained from the descending central series of Artin's pure braid group, a Lie algebra analyzed in work of Kohno [T. Kohno, Linear representations of braid groups and classical Yang–Baxter equations, in: Contemp. Math., vol. 78, 1988, pp. 339–363; T. Kohno, Vassiliev invariants and the de Rham complex on the space of knots, in: Symplectic Geometry and Quantization, in: Contemp. Math., vol. 179, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 1994, pp. 123–138; T. Kohno, Série de Poincaré–Koszul associée aux groupes de tresses pures, Invent. Math. 82 (1985) 57–75], and Falk and Randell [M. Falk, R. Randell, The lower central series of a fiber-type arrangement, Invent. Math. 82 (1985) 77–88]. The structure of this center gives a Lie algebraic criterion for testing whether a homomorphism out of the classical pure braid group is faithful which is analogous to a criterion used to test whether certain morphisms out of free groups are faithful [F.R. Cohen, J. Wu, On braid groups, free groups, and the loop space of the 2-sphere, in: Algebraic Topology: Categorical Decomposition Techniques, in: Progr. Math., vol. 215, Birkhäuser, Basel, 2003; Braid groups, free groups, and the loop space of the 2-sphere, math.AT/0409307]. However, it is as unclear whether this criterion for faithfulness can be applied to any open cases concerning representations of P n such as the Gassner representation.

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