
Abstract Let $\Gamma \subset \overline{\mathbb Q}^{\times }$ be a finitely generated multiplicative group of algebraic numbers. Let $\delta ,\linebreak\beta \in \overline{\mathbb Q}^\times $ be algebraic numbers with $\beta $ irrational. In this paper, we prove that there exist only finitely many triples $(u, q, p)\in \Gamma \times \mathbb{Z}^2$ with $d = [\mathbb{Q}(u):\mathbb{Q}]$ such that $|\delta qu|>1$ and $$\begin{align*} & 0<|\delta qu+\beta-p|<\frac{1}{H(u)^\varepsilon q^{d+\varepsilon}}, \end{align*}$$where $H(u)$ denotes the absolute Weil height. This is an inhomogeneous analogue of the main theorem in [ 2]. As an application of our result, we also prove a transcendence result, which states as follows: let $\alpha>1$ be a real number. Let $\beta $ be an algebraic irrational number and $\lambda $ be a non-zero real algebraic number. For a given real number $\varepsilon>0$, if there are infinitely many natural numbers $n$ for which $||\lambda \alpha ^n+\beta || < 2^{- \varepsilon n}$ holds true, then $\alpha $ is transcendental, where $||x||$ denotes the distance from its nearest integer. When $\alpha $ and $\beta $ both are algebraic numbers satisfying same conditions, then a particular result of Kulkarni et al. [ 3] asserts that $\alpha ^d$ is a Pisot number. When $\beta $ is an algebraic irrational, our result implies that no algebraic number $\alpha $ satisfies the inequality for infinitely many natural numbers $n$. Also, our result strengthens a result of Wagner and Ziegler [ 7].

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