
The article discusses the problems of improving the information support of the units of the road patrol service of the state traffi c Inspectorate of the law enforcement agencies. It is noted that the strategy of reforming the road patrol service is aimed at reducing the number of staff, so the level of workload will increase. Due to this immediate measures are required to improve the activities of the mentioned units. The level of intensity of the employees of road patrol service’s work in the course of registration of materials connected with transport incidents is analyzed. It is proved that information is a key element of the complex of actions of police offi cers during the registration of materials on road traffi c incident. Improvement of the information circulation activities, including its transmission, processing and using, will signifi cantly reduce the time taken to register the materials connected with transport incidents. The necessity to introduce the hardware and software complexes of automated registration of road traffi c incidents is proved. The authors conclude that there is a need for MIA of Russia to issue a legal regulatory act on application of such hardware and software complexes by divisions of road patrol service of Inspectorate of the law enforcement.

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