
This article examines the possibility of implementation of the models of judicial mediation tested in international practice applicable to administrative disputes. Analysis is conducted on the models of judicial mediation, their merits and flaws. The author outlines the spheres and categories of administrative cases that may require judicial mediation, as well as provides original perspective upon the problem. The integration of mediation into judicial process is feasible not only as a separate procedure – a number of countries features such mediation technique as in-house-mediation, which represents a peculiar approach towards establishing dialogue between the parties to the case aimed at conflict resolution within the framework of judicial proceedings. The analysis of the existing points of view in scientific literature reveals the following criteria that ensure the possibility of implementation of conciliation procedures in the administrative process: absence in the law of a direct ban on the use of mediation procedures; absence of violations of public interest along with observance of the rights and legitimate interests of other parties; competence of the official to conduct conciliation procedure set in the regulatory framework; normative legal consolidation of the possibility of conducting conciliation procedure; strict adherence by the official to the objectives determined by their competence and professional activity (objective, subjective, territorial, and temporal).

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