
In this paper we prove that the Cauchy problem for first-order quasi-linear systems of partial differential equations is ill-posed in Gevrey spaces, under the assumption of an initial ellipticity. The assumption bears on the principal symbol of the first-order operator. Ill-posedness means instability in the sense of Hadamard, specifically an instantaneous defect of Holder continuity of the flow from $G^{\sigma}$ to $L^2$, where $\sigma\in(0,1)$ depends on the initial spectrum. Building on the analysis carried out by G. Metivier [\textit{Remarks on the well-posedness of the nonlinear Cauchy problem}, Contemp. Math. 2005], we show that ill-posedness follows from a long-time Cauchy-Kovalevskaya construction of a family of exact, highly oscillating, analytical solutions which are initially close to the null solution, and which grow exponentially fast in time. A specific difficulty resides in the observation time of instability. While in Sobolev spaces, this time is logarithmic in the frequency, in Gevrey spaces it is a power of the frequency. In particular, in Gevrey spaces the instability is recorded much later than in Sobolev spaces.


  • We consider the Cauchy problem for first-order quasi-linear systems of partial differential equations (1.1) d∂tu = Aj(t, x, u)∂xj u + f (t, x, u), u(0, x) = h(x) j=1 where t 0, x ∈ Rd, u(t, x) and f (t, x, u) are in RN and Aj(t, x, u) ∈ RN×N

  • Our results extend Métivier’s ill-posedness Theorem [Mét05] for initially elliptic operators in Sobolev spaces: Theorem. — Assuming the first-order operator is initially micro-locally elliptic, the Cauchy problem (1.1) is ill-posed in Gevrey spaces

  • While it may seem natural that Gevrey regularity, with associated sub-exponential Fourier rates of decay O e−|ξ|σ, with σ < 1, will not be sufficient to counteract the exponential growth of elliptic operators, the proof of ill-posedness requires a careful analysis of linear growth rates and linear and nonlinear errors

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We consider the Cauchy problem for first-order quasi-linear systems of partial differential equations (1.1). While it may seem natural that Gevrey regularity, with associated sub-exponential Fourier rates of decay O e−|ξ|σ , with σ < 1, will not be sufficient to counteract the exponential growth of elliptic operators (think of etξ, as is the case for the Cauchy– Riemann operator ∂t + i∂x), the proof of ill-posedness requires a careful analysis of linear growth rates and linear and nonlinear errors. In the companion paper [Mor18], we extend these results to systems transitioning from hyperbolicity to ellipticity, following [LMX10, LNT18]

Background: on Lax–Mizohata results
On Métivier’s result in Sobolev spaces
Exponential growth of the solutions
Existence of solutions via a long-time Cauchy–Kovalevskaya result
Extension to Gevrey spaces
On the time of instability in Gevrey spaces
On the control of linear errors over long times
On linear growth bounds
On the endgame
On proving instability for higher Gevrey indices
Statement of the results
Preparation of the equation
Highly oscillating solutions
Upper bounds for the propagator
Free solutions
Growth of the free solution
Smallness of the free solution and Gevrey index
Fixed point equation
Sketch of the proof
Properties of majoring series
Fixed time spaces Es
Spaces E
The spaces Es are Banach spaces
The spaces Es are Banach algebra
Action of holomorphic functions
Norm of the free solution
Regularization by integration in time and contraction estimates
Integration in time and product
Contraction estimates
Existence of solutions
Bounds from below for the solutions

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