
Although often referred to as a one-dimensional “cartoon” of Navier–Stokes equation because it does not exhibit turbulence, the Burgers equation is a natural first step towards developing methods for control of flows. Recent references include Burns and Kang [Nonlinear Dynamics 2 (1991) 235–262], Choi et al. [J. Fluid Mech. 253 (1993) 509–543], Ito and Kang [SIAM J. Control Optim. 32 (1994) 831–854], Ito and Yan [J. Math. Anal. Appl. 227 (1998) 271–299], Byrnes et al. [J. Dynam. Control Systems 4 (1998) 457–519] and Van Ly et al. [Numer. Funct. Anal. Optim. 18 (1997) 143–188]. While these papers have achieved tremendous progress in local stabilization and global analysis of attractors, the problem of global asymptotic stabilization has remained open. This problem is non-trivial because for large initial conditions the quadratic (convective) term – which is negligible in a linear/local analysis – dominates the dynamics. We derive nonlinear boundary control laws that achieve global asymptotic stability. We consider both the viscous and the inviscid Burgers’ equation, using both Neumann and Dirichlet boundary control. We also study the case where the viscosity parameter is uncertain, as well as the case of stochastic Burgers’ equation. For some of the control laws that would require the measurement in the interior of the domain, we develop the observer-based versions.

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